• Eddie Pate







Shoreline, Washington (near Seattle)

Hello, I’m
Eddie Pate, Ph.D

Author / Speaker / ID&E Consultant / Inclusive Leadership Expert

Eddie has over 24+ years of experience working across industries globally where he has transformed businesses in the realm of inclusion, diversity, and equity (ID&E). As an operational executive, Eddie has utilized his inspirational leadership style and skills to build organizations that understand the importance of reflecting the communities they serve, valuing diversity and diverse perspectives, having a global lens, and making inclusion paramount in achieving business success.  His expertise lies in helping drive strategic focus on ID&E, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership & hiring to help individuals, teams and organizations thrive. Eddie’s 24+ year career took him through several northwest–Microsoft, Starbucks, Avanade, and Amazon. He currently runs Eddie Pate Speaking and Consulting and is a sought after speaker, trainer, leadership advisor, and consultant.  Eddie is also the co-author of the book Daily Practices of Inclusive Leaders: A Guide to Building a Culture of Belonging.

Order Eddie's Book Now

Community of Champions

What I do


Topics: Overall Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity, Cultural Competence, Inclusive Leadership, Privilege & Meritocracy, Inclusive Hiring, Systems approach to ID&E strategy, Employee Resource Groups, Microinequities & Aggressions, Integrated Inclusion, Finding and Hiring Diversity Talent, Visualizing qualitative and quantitative data approaches, scorecards, assessment, and impact.


Topics: Overall Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity, Cultural Competence, Inclusive Leadership, Inclusive Hiring, Systems approach to ID&E strategy, Integrated Inclusion, Finding and Hiring Diversity Talent, The life cycle approach to ID—Attract, Develop, Keep, & Engage, HR as True ID&E Partners, Thinking through qualitative and quantitative data approaches, scorecards, assessment, and impact, Leadership accountability and involvement.

Executive Coaching & Guidance

Topics: ID&E Philosophy and Strategic Approaches, Leadership accountability and involvement, establishing an organizational ID&E “stake in the sand;” ID&E personal brand, Thinking about ID&E Globally, and daily practices for inclusive leaders that build cultures of belonging

Download Eddie's Media Kit

Inclusion does Inspire Innovation, but it needs to be intentional,
integrated, real, and systemic to have true impact!

-Eddie Pate

Listen to Eddie's Podcasts

Watch Eddie's Webinars



Speaking: Keynotes and Q&A sessions

Workshops and Offsites

• Panel participation and facilitation, 1-1 Fireside Chats.

• ID&E Podcasts

• Conceptualizing Data tools, qualitative and quantitative data assessment

• Leadership and Executive ID&E coaching/guidance

• ID&E Strategy development

• Inclusive Leadership and Hiring training


Speaking: Keynotes and Q&A sessions

Workshops and Offsites

• Panel participation and facilitation, 1-1 Fireside Chats.

• ID&E Podcasts

• Conceptualizing Data tools, qualitative and quantitative data assessment

• Leadership and Executive ID&E coaching/guidance

• ID&E Strategy development

• Inclusive Leadership and Hiring training


  • University of Washington, Seattle, WA

    Ph.D. Sociology, Comparative Race & Ethnic Relations and Social Psychology

  • University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

    M.A. Sociology

  • Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

    M.A., Sociology

  • Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

    B.S., Wildlife Management

Work History

  • 2020 - Present


    Eddie Pate Speaking and Consulting, inc.

    Founder and President

  • 2016

    Amazon Corporation.

    Director of Inclusion & Diversity for World Wide Operations Globally

  • 2011

    Avanade Inc.

    Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion

  • 2008

    Pate Consulting.

    Founder and Chief Diversity Officer

  • 2006

    Starbucks Coffee Company.

    Director of Diversity & Inclusion

  • 2000

    Microsoft Corporation.

    Director of Global Diversity & Inclusion


Amanda Baker-Lane

Eddie’s passion and extensive knowledge about diversity is undeniable but beyond that he is an incredible human being. He celebrates humanity in a way that makes you proud to be in his presence and to celebrate your own ability to make significant change in the world. Every time I hear Eddie speak, I leave the room energized and ready to be better and take action. I am very grateful to have Eddie as a shining mentor to follow in the diversity and good human space!

Amanda Baker-Lane
Amanda Baker-Lane
Principal PM DEI

Gary Cooper

Eddie is a transformational leader. He builds relationships grounded in love and grace. From that foundation, he challenges your relationship with the status quo and sows the right amount of discomfort from which we can grow. Because, and this is vitally important, Eddie’s leadership focuses on equity and a reimaging of power. Expect to dive deep into the truth, to push towards reconciliation, and develop organizational policies and practices that drive equitable outcomes for your employees, customers, and community in which you operate.

Gary Cooper
Gary Cooper
Diversity Product Manager

Kirsten Mitchell

Eddie is a dynamic change agent for diversity, equity and inclusion. He makes clear links to the business case for diversity, challenges leaders to think more broadly about the internal and external impact of their decisions on the people around them, and strives to uproot bias and integrate mechanisms for long-term, impactful change. Not one to focus on a specific intersection of diversity, Eddie coaches others to build a more inclusive, culturally competent view of the world and the people in it.

Kirsten Mitchell
Kirsten Mitchell
I&D Leader AWS

George Campbell

Eddie brings clarity to some of the most complex social issues of our day, inside and outside of organizations. His approach to using data to tell a story allows leaders to have that lightbulb moment of awareness, while not letting the gravity of the work ahead to feel too daunting or insurmountable to begin. Eddie brings humor and a series of personal experiences from both his personal and work life that bring these complex topics to life. I am so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to work with and for Eddie.

George Campbell
George Campbell

Jessica Brookes

Leading others to not only think inclusively but to lead with intention requires changing hearts and minds alongside offering practical tools to address complex issues. Eddie possesses a unique ability inspire and motivate change while offering a global perspective based on years of listening to learn. Good humans are few and far between these days making Eddie a rare gem in life and in the field of inclusion and diversity.

Jessica Brookes
Jessica Brookes
AMZL Community Operations

Jonathan Stutz

To work with Eddie Pate is to experience an extremely rare combination of master teacher, story teller, and empathetic human being that will grow your knowledge, skills, and abilities while also modeling a level of kindness, care, and sensitivity that provides you with a view into what you have the potential to become.


Jonathan Stutz
Jonathan Stutz
President and Chief Diversity Officer, Global Diversity Partners

Darren Langston

Eddie Pate is one of the if not the greatest leaders I’ve ever worked with and for (as Executive Assistant and Program Manager). I define Eddie’s greatness through his humble nature, positive attitude, and hope for humanity. With these and with his global attitude, Eddie has the ability to tackle difficult and controversial DEI-related topics as if it were an casual conversation and will convey his messages in a way that will leave you feeling inspired. There is not a question or comment you can throw his way that wouldn’t be met with kindness, candor, and conviction. If you are considering a DEI speaker for group of 50 or even 50,000, who will create the impact you’re looking for, do yourself a favor and look no further.


Darren Langston
Darren Langston
Program Manager

Solomon Wilkins

I’ve worked for multiple Fortune 100 companies, and I’ve had my fair share of leaders, but Eddie is by far the best leader I’ve ever had! During my time working with Eddie, I appreciated his genuine commitment to people, especially when it came to tough and sensitive topics! Eddie’s ability to identify problems, then provide practical solutions is a skill that’s critically important to successful diversity work. Eddie is at his best speaking to small and large groups on all topics related to diversity, inclusion and belonging! Eddie also has a unique ability to motivate and inspire people to do their best work, and in doing so, he creates an environment where everybody feels like they belong! If you’re looking for a dynamic speaker with an ability to move your organization to action, I highly recommend Eddie Pate!

Solomon Wilkins
Solomon Wilkins
Director, Global Diversity & Inclusion Programs

Michele Mazakas

“When Eddie spoke to my work colleagues during a combination Pride Month and company wide DEI event, his presentation felt extremely professional but also approachable at the same time.  His energy and personality draw people in, encourage engagement, and also generate insightful conversation.  Such an effective and impactful discussion!”

Michele Mazakas
Veolia WTS LGBTQ+ Alliance NAM co-lead

Photo Gallery

Giving Back

  • PRIDE INDUSTRIES — People with Disabilities Advisor

    Unprecedented group of national and global executives are joining the disability movement, the result will be shared value for the fortune 500 while we reduce the unemployment rate for people with disabilities. Thank you in advance to each one of these courageous champions who decided to join our team. It's just the beginning.
  • Member of the Council of Advocates at The King Center—The Center for Nonviolent Social Change

    Trulli Established in 1968 by Mrs. Coretta Scott King, The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change (“The King Center”) has been a global destination, resource center and community institution for over a quarter century.The King Center is a 501(c)3. Nearly a million people each year make pilgrimage to the National Historic Site to learn, be inspired and pay their respects to Dr. King’s legacy.
    Both a traditional memorial and programmatic nonprofit, the King Center was envisioned by its founder to be “no dead monument, but a living memorial filled with all the vitality that was his, a center of human endeavor, committed to the causes for which he lived and died.” That vision was carried out through educational and community programs until Mrs. King’s retirement in the mid-1990’s, and today it’s being revitalized.
    As we move into the second decade of the 21st century, the King Center is embarking on a major transformation into a more energetically-engaged educational and social change institution. Supported by our Board of Directors and an infusion of new thinking, the King Center is dedicated to ensuring that the King legacy not only remains relevant and viable, but is effectively leveraged for positive social impact.
    In short, the King Center is repositioning to meet the challenges and opportunities of today. Squarely-focused on serving as both a local and global resource, the King Center is dedicated to educating the world on the life, legacy and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., inspiring new generations to carry forward his unfinished work, strengthen causes and empower change-makers who are continuing his efforts today.
  • Host of the ID&E Podcast

    Host of the Microsoft Alumni Network Podcast program—Beyond the Blue Badge on Inclusion & Diversity.
  • Board of Director

    Board member of the Institute for Sustainable Diversity and Inclusion (i4sdi)
    Board of directors (i4sdi)
  • Board of Director

    Microsoft Alumni Network Board of Trustees
    MSFT Alumni Network

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