• Eddie Pate







Shoreline, Washington (near Seattle)

Darren Langston
Eddie Pate is one of the if not the greatest leaders I’ve ever worked with and for (as Executive Assistant and Program Manager). I define Eddie’s greatness through his humble nature, positive attitude, and hope for humanity. With these and…
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George Campbell
Eddie brings clarity to some of the most complex social issues of our day, inside and outside of organizations. His approach to using data to tell a story allows leaders to have that lightbulb moment of awareness, while not letting…
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Gary Cooper
Eddie is a transformational leader. He builds relationships grounded in love and grace. From that foundation, he challenges your relationship with the status quo and sows the right amount of discomfort from which we can grow. Because, and this is…
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Amanda Baker-Lane
Eddie’s passion and extensive knowledge about diversity is undeniable but beyond that he is an incredible human being. He celebrates humanity in a way that makes you proud to be in his presence and to celebrate your own ability to…
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